High/Low Linky!

I'm linking up with Katie Knight's High/Low Linky party!  Her high/low is much more emotional than mine is this month, but I encourage you to read her post!  I teared up a little bit after reading.

So I have so many awesome things about March, it's going to be hard to choose just one! :-)  So I may just mention a few of my favorite things about March!

1.  My students took one of our district required Math Diagnostic Assessments (MDAs).  They take the Diagnostic assessments 3 times a year, and Math Proficiency Assessments (MPAs) 3 times a year as well.  The last MDA was given last week, and my students did pretty well on it!  Granted, this MDA was all Kindergarten standards, so they should have done well on it, but we all know this isn't always the case!  I had 11 100%, 2 got a 92% (which is one question wrong), 2 83% (2 questions wrong) and a few 75%.  Two of the students who missed 1 or 2 questions should have gotten 100% but the last 2 questions were kind of confusing in their wording and they decided to read ahead.  Only 2 students really bombed the test, and one of them is ECE and functions at basically a beginning of Kindergarten level (she still can't count 1-1... and we've been working on it all year).  The other... just doesn't want to.  I really don't want to get into that here!  But I was very proud of my students!  I told them this would be the easiest test ever, and obviously, they believed me! :-)

2.  My students completed their informational books, and they turned out AWESOME.  Then they made iMovie presentations of their books to share with their parents.  So cool!  


 I wrote about their awesome informational books here!  So proud of my smart students!

3.  I taught myself how to make something cute and fun!  I have been making these cute taggie blankets.  I started off making them for friends, but everybody suggested that I sell them, so I've been making more.  They're cute and its fun to pick out fun fabric, design the different animals, and have them "come to life" if you will.  Plus, I actually sold one to one of my friends from high school!  She bought one for her little girl!  She bought the grey elephant with the polka dots.  :-)  I was so excited!  I love being able to make something useful, bright and colorful, and unique!


My friend Leslie had her baby about 3 weeks ago.  She lives in Lexington (technically Nicholasville, which is south of Lexington), which is about an hour to an hour and a half away from me.  So two of my other friends from college were going down last weekend to see the baby.  Well, I apparently thought it would be more fun to be sick.  I had a sinus infection and bronchitis.  So I didn't go to see the baby because I didn't want Leslie, her husband, or the baby to get sick.  I was so disappointed to miss out on seeing the baby. :-(  Luckily, they'll be in town over my Spring Break, so I'll get to see the little baby then!  

I also was crazy enough to go to work when I was sick.  Mostly because I had a meeting scheduled that the other party (who scheduled the meeting in the first place) didn't attend.  We rescheduled it for the next day, when I was still sick, and she still didn't attend.  Man, I was MAD.  Still am, really.  So instead of staying home and resting, I drug myself in to work and felt like garbage all day.  Awesome.  But even though I went to the doctor and got an antibiotic and stuff to not be sick, I am still having some sinus issues.  It won't go away!  I have a runny nose, some post nasal drip, and my ears hurt.  I thought that the purpose of antibiotics and medicine is to make your sickness go away.  But I haven't really shaken this sinus-y stuff since January, and I'm annoyed.  And that's been my low point- who likes having headaches, stuffy noses, and such?  NOT ME!

However, the best way to end March?  SPRING BREAK!  I am on Spring Break as of Friday at 3:45!!!  So excited!  Tomorrow, we have a field trip to a place called Gattiland which is kind of like Chuck E Cheese.  We'll do a class on the Five Senses, eat yummy pizza, and then the students will have time to go play games!  :-)   It's fun!  Friday is our Easter Egg hunt!  Can't wait for all this fun!


  1. Sorry to hear that you've been unwell - I hope you feel better soon! Sinus-stuff is so frustrating! (We're heading in to cold/flu season here in Australia and I'm dreading it - I always get horribly sick.)

    I really love your students' information books. They look fantastic!

    And your taggie blankets are gorgeous!

    Miss Galvin Learns

    1. I'm thankful we're heading out of cold/flu season, but where I live, we're heading into allergy season. We live in one of the worst areas for allergies in the country. I'm not sure if I have allergies, but that's something I feel like I should get checked out! I am on spring break next week, so I think I'm going to go see my doctor about this persistent sinus crap! :-) Thanks for your kind comment! I hope you make it through cold/flu season without getting too sick this year!

      Thanks! I was so proud of what they created! They are too!

      And thank you again! I love my taggies!

  2. Holy cow you are talented! Love them all but the owls are precious! Sorry about your sickies and hope you are feeling better. Enjoy every minute of your spring break!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

    1. Thank you! I am too afraid to try to make clothes with my sewing machine, so this is the next best thing! I love the owls too!

      I will try to enjoy my spring break. I can't wait to sleep in!


  3. Aw, that stinks that you have been so sick. I hope you are able to rest up and feel better over break. It's great that your kids did so well on their math assessments and on their informational books.

    Your taggie blankets are adorable!! You are very talented!

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. I think I'm going to visit my doctor over break because I'm kind of over this persistent sinus crap! :-) Thank you- I am very proud of them! So smart! :-)

      Thanks! I am kind of proud of my little taggies! I'm too afraid to do much else on my sewing machine, but these are fun to make so I keep on making them!


  4. Hi Erica!
    Woo hoo on your assessment results! Our district like to test the kids every time you turn around too. Geez. It is nice to see the growth though! Enjoy that baby over spring break! :)

    1. Yeah, don't you love giving students an assessment every time you turn around? I'm getting very frustrated with this unnecessary assessment, especially for 6 and 7 year olds! School should still be fun for firsties! :-(

      Thank you! I can't wait to see her! She's such a cutie!


  5. I love your taggie blankets, especially the owls!
